Uncategorized Articles

Do I Really Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up?

May 11, 2020
Technician Repairing Air Conditioner, Do I Really Need an Air Conditioner Tune-Up? | Precise Comfort

Home ownership comes with a great deal of responsibilities and an ever-growing to-do list. Add to that the responsibilities of a career and a family, and you see why modern life runs at a constant, fast pace here in New Orleans. It’s easy to bump things like an air conditioner tune-up down the priority list, both in terms of time and money. It’s very likely you have higher priorities requiring more urgent attention than an air conditioner that seems to be working just fine.

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Furnace Filters 101

September 26, 2019
New furnace filter for good HVAC maintenance.

Your furnace filter is the unsung hero of your furnace. It quietly does its job without any fuss and allows the rest of the furnace to do its job. It’s not a complicated item, but there are some basics we at Precise Comfort and Climate Specialists think you should know to help it do its job.

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