5 Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repair

5 Signs Your Water Heater Needs Repair

January 24, 2025

Your water heater is a silent but essential workhorse, providing hot water for your showers, laundry, and dishes in your New Orleans, home.
But like any hardworking appliance, it can run into issues from time to time. Knowing the signs that your water heater needs repair can save you from a cold shower or a major plumbing disaster.

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What Does an HVAC Maintenance Inspection Include? Young african female and male couple at home working on their finances together.

What Does an HVAC Maintenance Inspection Include?

January 15, 2025

Your comfort and indoor air quality (IAQ) depend on a well-maintained heating and cooling system. Remember to change the air filter on your furnace, air conditioner (AC), or heat pump at least every 90 days. According to the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), an AC with a clean filter uses as much as 15 percent less energy than an AC with a dirty one.

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What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace? Photo of a man on his couch, looking out the window seemingly concerned on his phone.

What’s That Smell Coming From My Furnace?

December 25, 2024

If your furnace is producing a strange smell, you should always treat it with caution. While the cause for the odor may be benign, it could just as easily be harmful to inhale. When in doubt, always open windows to ensure ventilation, and evacuate your Kenner home.

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Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up? A heat pump covered in ice.

Why Is My Heat Pump Freezing Up?

December 16, 2024

     When air filters are left to collect particles for too long, they become clogged. This hinders airflow, trapping moisture. Dust, pet dander, and smoke are just a few examples of things that can clog your filter.

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Why Is My Thermostat Blank? Photo of a thermostat mounted on a wall with a blank screen.

Why Is My Thermostat Blank?

November 26, 2024

It is an “Oh no!” moment when you approach your home’s thermostat and see its screen is blank.

Is it serious? Does it mean your furnace, heat pump, or air conditioning is broken? Not necessarily. In fact, most of the time, it is something minor and can be easily fixed.

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Zone Your Way to Comfort. Person using home automation to control lighting, heating, air conditioning ... etc in modern apartment with fireplace, large windows with blinds, wooden floor and concrete ceiling.

Zone Your Way to Comfort

November 15, 2024

Imagine having the power to control the temperature in every room of your home like a maestro conducting an orchestra. With a zone control system, you can! Gone are the days of battling over the thermostat or choosing between freezing in one room or melting in another.

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Why Do I Need a Humidifier in the Fall? A cup of tea in front of a window with autumn view.

Why Do I Need a Humidifier in the Fall?

October 31, 2024

Fall is a beautiful time of the year—but it comes with a drop in humidity levels. If you’re concerned about the humidity change and want to enhance your comfort inside your New Orleans home, installing a humidifier is an excellent option.

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Two Workers Join Residential Geothermal Heating/Cooling Pipe.

Why Is My Heat Pump Turning On and Off Frequently?

October 15, 2024

Homeowners generally favor heat pumps for their efficiency. However, a number of common issues can cause them to run very inefficiently.

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The concept

How Does My Gas Furnace Work?

September 30, 2024

Modern furnaces burn at up to 97 percent efficiency. Keep this in mind if you’ve owned your heater for 10 years or longer.

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Don't Let Your Home Sweat It Out: A Louisiana Guide to Humidity Control. Water drops on the inside of a door.|

Don’t Let Your Home Sweat It Out: A Louisiana Guide to Humidity Control

September 16, 2024

Our nearby licensed heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) technicians can help zap the humidity inside your Metairie home. Whether installing a whole-home dehumidifier or addressing the airflow inside your home, we’ll offer practical solutions that fit your budget and needs.

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